Attis leads ground-breaking drive to fill 2,200 leisure and hospitality jobs in the heart of London
AttisTowns leads ground-breaking drive to fill 2,200 leisure and hospitality jobs in the heart of London.
Place Branding Drives Change and Creates Social Value
A place brand is there to support a vision, influence perception and act as a shorthand to drive decision-making. Its role is value creation. It’s positioned to compete - to attract the right segments and engage the right stakeholders.
Awakening the High Street
Following over a year of dormancy, retailers, food and beverage outlets and entertainment businesses have reopened and are enjoying pent-up demand and consumer savings being spent on the high street. Economists, however, predict that following the initial surge, consumer spending on the high street will level out.
The Five Pillars of Tomorrow’s Sustainable High Streets
We look at what it will take to be a sustainable high street in the future.
AttisTowns urges Government to open COVID-19 vaccine centres in local high street locations to support the recovery of town and city centres
The Government is being urged to open COVID-19 vaccine centres in local high street locations to support the recovery of town and city centres.
Helping BIDs to respond to COVID-19 challenges
The impact of COVID-19 on town centres is both immediate and long term and has huge implications on BIDs, particularly those facing a ballot in the coming months.
Four Steps to Create a Thriving 15 Minute Town
The High Streets Task Force’s recently published Review of Footfall shows a mixed pattern of recovery following the Covid-19 Lockdown restrictions with multi-functional, rather than purely retail, high streets recovering faster.
New company aims to save UK high streets
A team of retail and leisure experts has launched a new company called EVOLVE Partners [Now Attis Towns] to help rescue town centres.