Helping BIDs to respond to COVID-19 challenges
The impact of COVID-19 on town centres is both immediate and long term and has huge implications on BIDs, particularly those facing a ballot in the coming months. AttisTowns’ innovative approach to transforming town centres provides additional resources to BIDs to respond and show leadership which proves their value to their voters, at minor or no cost to BIDs.
Most BIDs – and all those outside London – are occupier BIDs. In town centres this means they rightly focus more on short term operational measures to improve trading performance for their voting members. Few have the remit, funds and expertise to complement these essential services with the creation and delivery of a long-term, post-COVID-19 vision for their district.
But COVID-19 has made the need of a vision and transformation plans even more essential. Retailers and other occupiers need to know that the town centre has a sustainable future and that it is worth them investing in their BID as a major driver of the changes that are essential.
AttisTowns’ model pulls together property owners as key partners and funders of change. We are experienced in working with multiple property owners and in working for the UK’s largest joint occupier and property BIDs. We understand how to motivate property owners to invest together in the future of their local assets, working as partners to BIDs. We know how to combine the activities of occupier BIDs and property alliances to create and deliver long term visions and action plans which engage a wide range of partners, including local authorities, businesses and local communities.
COVID-19 has generated great opportunities for some local centres as city centres take time to reopen. It has also created fresh challenges for town centres to adjust to the new normal, whatever that might be. And it has created an imperative for BIDs to demonstrate their relevance and central role in the future prosperity of their districts.
AttisTowns can help BIDs to meet the COVID-19 challenge.